Bodybuilding preparation medicine, Trenbolone Trenbolone

Preparing for a bodybuilding competition means no oil and no salt, a lot of training for the purpose of burning fat, painful dehydration and so on. . . . . .

There are many drugs that can be used for competition preparation, such as: short-acting testosterone, Stanozolol, Boldenone Equipoise, growth hormone HGH, IGF-1 drostansterone Masteron. . . . . . Basically, these steroids used for competition preparation have the two properties of “accelerated fat burning” and “water analysis”. Trenbolone also has these two properties, so it can also be used for competition preparation, and it is known as the “holy drug for competition preparation”.

First of all, due to the particularity of the molecular structure of Trenbolone (compared to the Nandrolone molecule, Trenbolone adds two double bonds). It cannot be converted into estrogen or estrogen derivatives. In addition, due to the super androtropic ability of Trenbolone, the supply of endogenous testosterone is directly terminated, thus even the normal passage of testosterone to estrogen is cut off. The combination of these two factors makes the estrogen level in males drop sharply, and because of this, the fat storage and water storage caused by estrogen are strongly suppressed.

This is not over yet, Trenbolone also has the ability to burn fat. In fact, almost all anabolic steroids AAS have the ability to burn fat more or less, and Trenbolone is the champion in this respect.

The “miracle stack” was previously mentioned in the article introducing Boldenone Equipoise, which is an “ideal” steroid combination that can simultaneously increase muscle and reduce fat and water. The role of Trenbolone in this superposition is to reduce fat. In fact, brothers who have read articles about Boldenone in some bodybuilding forums know that Boldenone itself already has a very good ability to reduce fat, and is often used by bodybuilders to reduce fat and build quality muscles , and in this regard, Trenbolone can be seen as an enhanced version of Boldenone, which has a stronger fat burning ability than Boldenone. In theory, Boldenone sends a signal to decompose fat by binding to the androgen receptor in fat, and so does Trenbolone. However, Trenbolone’s ability to bind to the receptor is nearly three times that of Boldenone. The time of Trenbolone is also much longer than Boldenone, so Trenbolone’s fat-reducing effect is much stronger than Boldenone.

With these abilities alone, Trenbolone cannot be called the “holy drug for competition preparation”. Another ability of Trenbolone is its ultimate trump card for this honor, which is the aforementioned “impeding catabolism”.

Brothers who are more concerned about bodybuilding may find it strange that the characteristic of “impeding catabolism” does not seem to have any direct relationship with preparing for the competition, right? Indeed, “impeding catabolism” seems to be very good for growing meat, but what is needed to prepare for the competition is not to grow meat but to skim fat and water!

I don’t know if you have noticed two things. For example, an athlete arranges a muscle-building Bulking Cycle and a fat-reducing preparation plan before a competition, and performs PCT treatment after the muscle-building Bulking Cycle. According to common sense, it is “natural” to lose some muscle during the PCT process. Next, the athlete with a weight of 100kg (assumption) and a body fat rate of 20% (assumption) may only have 75 pounds left after a round of painful preparations. -80kg, while body fat dropped to about 6%-7%. Undoubtedly, in these two processes, not only fat and water were lost, but also a lot of muscle was lost.

For a long time in the past, this problem was inevitable during the preparation process-the muscles that had been grown after N months of hard training were “normally” consumed during the preparation process.

Although to a certain extent, this is “natural”. But if it is not for adjusting the level of competition, most athletes still hope that the muscles they have worked hard for will not be wasted in vain.

Trenbolone’s “catabolism-blocking” properties are a good recipe for this problem. Trenbolone’s “blocking catabolism” is not only effective only during the Cycle, but also effective for a long time after stopping the drug (this is like the headache side effect that Anadrol may cause, and it will continue after stopping the drug headache for a while). Generally speaking, after a bulking cycle or race preparation cycle is over, due to the withdrawal of steroids, the level of anabolic metabolism in the body decreases rapidly, while the catabolic metabolism becomes surging. As a result, the hard-trained muscles began to be gradually broken down by cortisone. Now, since the “catabolism-blocking” properties of trenbolone persist after discontinuation, cortisone catabolism is no longer a problem for athletes preparing for a workout (trenbolone seems to be the natural enemy of cortisone?).

Therefore, the Preser Cycle with Trenbolone can not only reduce fat and dehydrate well, but also retain muscle to the maximum extent, and it can last for a long time. It is for this reason that at the beginning of its birth, Trenbolone became the best choice for athletes to prepare for competitions.