Frequently Asked Questions and Answers on Using Growth Hormone HGH

Friends who are using growth hormone HGH can take a seat at the symptom and refer to it.

  1. How to deal with bleeding at the injection site after injection of growth hormone?

Answer: When the syringe is pulled out, if there is only extracutaneous bleeding at the needle eye, it means that the small capillary of the skin was pierced during the injection; don’t be nervous, it will not cause any harm to the body, and will not affect the effect of growth hormone. Use a warm towel for 5-10 minutes (hot compresses are not required in summer), and the next injection of growth hormone should avoid the subcutaneous bleeding site; because the needle tip of the BD needle is thicker and longer than that of the Nuo pen, the bleeding at the injection site is slightly less when the BD needle is injected. A few more, but all relatively rare. The needle should be pulled out quickly after the injection is too slow and easy to bleed.

  1. What should I do if the medicine bulges into the skin when injecting growth hormone?

Answer: When injecting growth hormone, because the angle of the needle is too small, the drug is injected into the skin to form a small packet, so there is no need for treatment, and the skin can absorb the drug by itself, which will not affect the effect of growth hormone and will not cause any harm to the body. The correct needle insertion angle for growth hormone injection is 45 degrees, and it is injected subcutaneously. If the injection speed is too fast, it is easy to bulge the bag.

  1. What is the most serious side effect of using growth hormone?

Answer: growth hormone is very safe, and there are no so-called serious side effects. A small number of users will experience edema and pain at the local injection site when they first use it. Generally, it will disappear naturally when they continue to use it. Acromegaly.

  1. Will long-term use of growth hormone cause tumors?

Answer: A lot of medical research has been done abroad. Medical literature shows that the incidence of tumors after the use of growth hormone is two to three per 100,000, which is equivalent to the incidence of normal people, and there is no significant difference. It shows that the use of growth hormone will not cause tumors. .

  1. Will long-term use of growth hormone cause diabetes?

A: Growth hormone does not cause diabetes. However, growth hormone may cause a transient increase in blood sugar, and friends with a family history of diabetes need to use it with caution.

  1. Will the injection of growth hormone affect the secretion of growth hormone?

Answer: It will not affect at all. The secretion of growth hormone is related to the hypothalamic-pituitary growth axis. Injection of growth hormone does not affect the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary growth axis by itself.

  1. Due to the low temperature during the injection of growth hormone, will it cause pain or numbness after the injection (common in autumn/winter)?

Answer: When injecting growth hormone, you should take it out of the refrigerator 30 minutes in advance and warm it with your hands; the pain may be caused by the fast injection speed, and you should inject slowly; if the sharp pain is caused by the injection stimulating the skin peripheral nerve, you can pull out the needle and change the injection site ; Relax before injection to avoid injection pain.

  1. Joint pain or muscle pain after injection for a period of time?

Answer: It may appear after strenuous exercise or a sudden increase in the amount of exercise, and it should be gradual; or it may be caused by the physiological effect of growth hormone water and sodium retention being too strong. If the pain is mild, there is no need to deal with it. The symptoms disappear after a few days. You can reduce the dose of growth hormone or stop the drug for two days. After the symptoms disappear, continue to use it and it will not reappear.

  1. What is hypothyroidism? How to deal with hypothyroidism while using growth hormone?

Answer: It can be controlled by oral levothyroxine sodium, which is often called T3. After stopping growth hormone, the thyroid function will return to normal.

  1. What should I do if there is edema in the calf and ankle when using growth hormone?

Answer: This is a symptom of edema: edema on the back of the hands, insteps, and lower limbs; if you can tolerate it, continue to use growth hormone, and the symptoms usually disappear within 3 to 7 days; if you cannot tolerate it, you need to reduce the dose of growth hormone or stop the drug, and after the symptoms disappear Resume medication.

  1. Will growth hormone therapy affect fertility?

Answer: Because growth hormone is secreted by the normal human body itself, it is necessary for human growth and development; for women in the reproductive period, growth hormone can promote ovulation; for males in the reproductive period, growth hormone can promote sperm maturation; so growth hormone Treatment will not affect fertility.

  1. Why should each injection point be separated from the previous injection point by two centimeters when injecting growth hormone?

Answer: Injection of growth hormone can locally degrade subcutaneous fat, especially the fat in the abdomen and omentum is sensitive to the fat-dissolving effect mediated by catecholamines, (such as the increase of subcutaneous fat in GHD, especially the accumulation of abdominal fat, growth hormone treatment can make the abdomen Fat ablation), if the same point is injected continuously for a long time, subcutaneous induration may appear. Growth hormone increases muscle tissue while reducing fat. Because growth hormone can degrade subcutaneous fat, the injection site should be changed frequently.

  1. Does growth hormone need to be stopped during cold treatment?

Answer: Generally, medicines for treating colds do not affect the effect of growth hormone.

  1. Will forgetting to inject growth hormone one day affect the effect? Do you want to make up for the missing amount?

Answer: Occasionally forgetting to inject growth hormone for one day will not affect it, and there is no need to make up for the missed dose; try to avoid interrupting the drug.

  1. How long does it take for growth hormone to take effect?

Answer: Growth hormone generally needs to be used continuously for more than 3 months.

  1. What is the reason for the poor effect of using growth hormone?

Answer: a. The dose of growth hormone is not enough; b. Antibodies to growth hormone powder;

  1. Redness, swelling, pain, fever, and itching at the injection site, ranging in size from a peanut to an egg?

Answer: a. The purity of growth hormone is very high, and there will be no allergic reaction; b. The above situations are mostly caused by allergies to alcohol or iodophor and other disinfection methods. The solution is to replace non-allergic disinfection methods.